
Wings of Desire

我害怕黑夜,尤其是我生病的時候,因為那是我最虛弱的時候,無論你想不想,都得繼續下去,我該怎麼辦?或許這是個小問題,我應該這麼想,我所知甚少,而我 卻太好奇了。我常常這樣自言自語,像個瘋子,但我總覺得有個人在傾聽我的傾訴。在這個封閉的空間裡,再緊閉雙眼,即使那些石頭都讓人感到空虛,顏色就像夜 空下的霓虹燈。我有段故事,必須繼續下去,這就是生活。我獨自一人,時間也變得如此認真。我從不曾孤單寂寞,也不曾和任何人在一起。

I was afraid of the night, especially my sick time, because that is my weakest time, whether you want to, they had to continue, how can I do? Perhaps this is a small problem, I should think so, I know very little, but I was too curious. I often said to himself, like a madman, but I always felt that personal listening to my talk. In this closed space, then closed his eyes, even if those stones are all people feel empty, colors like neon lights under the night sky. I have had some story, we must continue, that's life. I am alone, time has become so serious. I have never lonely, nor did it together with anyone.

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